Friday, March 26, 2010


So I was grunting again today. Maybe working hard to be in good shape will help next time I'm in labor! At the end of this workout, they have you kick left and right, one foot after the other, as fast as you can. Man, that's hard! By the end, it's really hard work just to lift your legs. Anyway, I'm feeling good about today and being able to get stuff done. Xander's sick, so we really can't go anywhere. I was also thinking about putting him in underwear for a little while today, just to see how he does, get him a little more ready for next week's potty mambo! Oh yeah, and I was wondering if people are actually reading this. I guess it's just a vent, and out for me, something to keep me at least a little accountable for what I'm trying to do, but I'd love to hear from you, see what works for you and if this is at all interesting or motivating for anyone else. I feel really good about what I've been able to accomplish so far. I've really only missed a couple of days of these workouts, and next week is the last week on this DVD. Then I'm on the the second DVD. I'd like to lose at least another 10 pounds (crazy!) before getting pregnant, but at this point, we aren't doing anything to prevent it from happening! Now I just need to adjust my diet a little (stay away from the jello poke cake in the fridge, or at least serve it rather than eating straight from the pan) and drink more water throughout the day, and I should be good to go. Okay, I think that's enough rambling for now, but can you give me a little feedback if you're reading this? Thanks!


  1. People used to keep journals or diaries that they never intended for anyone to read. Treat this the same as an outlet and a record for you. If others happen to find or provide inspiration that's great, just not required. Love you!

  2. I like Mark's comment, although I will try to be better about commenting here because I know how important a little external motivation can be. About drinking more water... I have found that if I have a cool bottle to drink water from, I drink more. I know that it's totally silly but it works for me. I doesn't even have to be an expensive reusable one. Right now I've got three Fiji bottles (they are big and square and I like them a lot) that I refill every day and that's been working like a charm because I drink at least two full bottles a day.
