Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It's week three, day three. Just finished my workout a little bit ago. I missed the workout yesterday, but I don't feel as guilty about it as I thought I would have. I was little surprised at myself, but then again, I think I worked as much putting this (I found it for $8 at Target. I'm hoping that I can use it in place of my shoe crates behind the front door. Unfortunately, those convenient canvas bags like the one you see sitting on the shelf are way too small.) together as I would have doing the strength and sculpt part of this.

Plus, I walked down to the pond with the boys after school to feed the geese. Oh, and I carried Xander most of the way back while trying to get Zack to stop and wait for me. He was running ahead of me because he was mad at me. He had dropped his lollipop on the goose-poop-covered ground and I threw it away. He lost all privileges for last night and sweets and desserts for the rest of the week. He actually handled it pretty well. This was after he was late for school because of a temper tantrum about losing his legos. He refused to put them in the tub (he was worried about breaking the things he had made), so I took them away. He proceeded to trash his entire room during time-out, then tell me that it was too big of a mess to clean up. I was really proud of myself because I didn't yell (I raised my voice in a strong way) and I didn't throw a temper tantrum myself. I was even laughing about it when I was telling Mark on the phone. Anyway, today's an early release day, so hopefully it will go better with Zack.

Thought for the day: Even when things are difficult, children are being loud, schedules don't work out, house becomes chaotic, every day and every person (big and small) in your life is a blessing.

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