Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quiet in the House

Zack started kindergarten today! In his real classroom, with his real teacher. On the way home, I was wondering if I could reteach Xander how to play nicely with his toys, or if his brother's rough and tumble methods would stick with him. I'm already amazed at how well Xander played by himself on Friday and allowed me to get the house clean(er). Now I just have to work on the disaster area that the playroom has become, but not during naptime.

I feel really bad that I haven't exercised since last Thursday! But I'm walking Zack to school in the morning, shoulder or no shoulder on Fayetteville Rd! (By the way, if you have Facebook and haven't joined my group "Safe Routes to School (Knightdale)", please do. I would love for them to put sidewalks in to make it safer and easier to walk.) Maybe later in the week, I'll walk up to pick him up, too, since it's supposed to be mild temperatures.

After story time today, I had to stop at Lowes for couple things (replace the chain lock on our front door since Xander figured out how to unlock the deadbolt!!). Xander didn't want to hold my hand in the parking lot, so I had him count the yellow poles (with handicap parking signs on them) as we walked into the store. Later, he was fighting me about getting in the car. He said he wanted to eat at Gramma's house or Stacy's house today, then he wanted to sit in my seat. I picked up a book and read it to him real quick, right there in the parking lot. So my thought for the day: Learn the Art of Distraction: it works wonders!

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