Monday, September 28, 2009


Too long since I've posted on here, kind of slacked off for a while, don't really know why, though. Sunday night, Mark revealed to me that he is "on board" with having another baby, but there are still things that need to work better.

Maybe this will help: I revised my daily schedule (which had which days the boys would play with what and which movies they would watch and what cleaning or chores I would do and even which boy would pick a book for naptime) to this...
Monday: dishes/kitchen, laundry, alternate cleaning boys' bedroom and playroom, and include play-doh for playtime with Xander.
Tuesday: dishes/kitchen, laundry, alternate cleaning tub and toilet in boys' bathroom with cleaning sink and floor, and include pouring activity with solids (thanks, Karen, again!).
Wednesday: dishes/kitchen, laundry (towels), clean our room, and include painting (that wil be interesting).
Thursday: dishes/kitchen, laundry (clean sheets every other week), our bathroom (alternate as above), and include play-doh again.
Friday: dishes/kitchen (I put that on everyday because, in our house, it probably gets the messiest the fastest, and I need to be better about keeping it clean), laundry, alternate cleaning living and dining room, and pouring liquids with Xander.

Here's where my two followers come in: I need help sticking to this, at least for about a month. i can usually stick to my plans for week, maybe two, but then they just fall apart. So just ask me now and then what I've done that day, probably on Facebook, since I check that more often, but that will remind me that someone is watching out for what I'm doing. I would be glad to do the same thing, too: Susan, what's the FLY lady's idea for day 2?? And my other follower, Sydney's mom, I think you are Renee, but I can't be sure.

Thought for the Day: Get support...or a watchdog!

Happy Monday, Ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, I gave up fly lady. I can't stick to anything lately! Oddly enough, I came up with a cleaning schedule of my own last week, I just need to start it.
