Saturday, June 4, 2011

Race day

We were up bright and early this morning for Mark's race. This is the 5th time he's done this race, and it's still one of his favorites. The only bad part is that it's in a really expensive neighborhood, so we get to see all the houses and amenities we'll never get to enjoy. Mark's mom has a friend who lives nearby, so the walk wasn't all that bad. We got the sit-n-stand down from the attic, though, and with two kids, it gets heavy pushing it. At one point walking back to the transition area, I was pushing Zack and Xander on the stroller. So that was part of my activity today. I have a big blueberry muffin for breakfast and a vanilla frappucino. We snacked on chex mix while we were there, but I also drank a lot of water. Lunch was a turkey burger from Hardee's, with the last little bit of mint brownie ice cream. After lazing around for a while, we decided it was time to grout the bathroom floor. Being the aesthetic part, I took on this role; plus, Mark had done his share of work on his knees. Man, let me tell you, that was a workout all by itself!! Grouting, scraping, cleaning, cleaning, running back and forth to fill the bucket, rinsing the bucket, spraying Xander with the hose, but finally admiring our finished bathroom floor!! We were very tired, so we just had Chinese food for dinner, then I was off to work, where they had chocolate cake. So of course I had a piece. Not the best day food-wise, but I was moving today, too! Thought for the Day: Balance!

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