Thursday, June 2, 2011


After putting it off all day...making phone calls to take care of the AC running behind, feeding Eli, making a grocery/dinner list, having lunch with Nicole and Austin at McD's and dealing with a 3-4-year-old bully, running to Lowe's for new air filters to see if the AC could keep up...I did it!! I worked out!!! I did the sculpting workout on the biggest loser DVD. Eli laid on the floor next to me the whole time, just looking up at me and smiling, and even by the end of the stretches, he wasn't really crying, just talking with spirit. So YAY!!! And I feel great! Now for a shower before work, while Xander is sleeping (he fell asleep in the car with his hand in his snack cup!), and Zack trying to keep Eli happy. Thought for the day: YAY!

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