Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Have to post what I eat, maybe I'll stay away from the stuff that I wouldn't want to write down. So today...
Breakfast: two chocolate chip muffins (only 150 calories each, we had to run to Walmart before school, so breakfast was something convenient) and a Diet Mountain Dew
Lunch: Watermelon, Smart Ones roasted potatoes and broccoli, small piece of chocolate cake (I guess it was normal size, 2x2") and two bites of mint brownie ice cream, cup of water. There's one piece of cake left, which I will let the boys split after school, then that temptation won't be there anymore!
As of now (2:25), I haven't exercised, and unfortunately, I don't think it's going to happen. We've gone shopping for tiling stuff and a birthday present, gone to story time, eaten lunch and done preschool/alphabet adventure time. Three more loads of laundry in the hallway trumps exercise for today. Thought for now: It's okay if you don't get it all done, as long as you take care of the important stuff...and people.
Update...Did not exercise, barely got dinner cooked before going to work. Had creamy primavera pasta for dinner and a yogurt parfait at work. Only two loads of laundry are still on the floor, but the one that came out was folded immediately and put away.

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