Monday, August 31, 2009

Swan Family Rules

These rules have been posted in the kitchen for a little over a week, though we came up with them several months ago. I'm hoping to use them as a reference for the boys when they are acting up.
1. Be nice to each other. (which includes Share, Respect, Help, Use kind words, Use nice manners)
2. Listen and obey Mommy and Daddy all the time.
3. Clean up after yourself.
4. Focus!
5. Talk about it, without arguing.

I made some rules/guidelines for myself, too, to help me make better choices as a parent. I got the ideas from MckMama over at I wrote them down, and I've been meaning to put them up where I will see them each day.

It's a start

Started the morning by cooking breakfast for me and the boys. Should have gotten up earlier but was feeling lazy with the rain pouring outside. After breakfast, interspersed GMA/Regis and Kelly with loading the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen. I figure if it's probably easier to keep a house clean than cleaning it up, so it's a start. Last night we cleaned up all the toys in the living room, and the dining room table has stayed mostly clutter-free since Friday. My next stop this morning is laundry and cleaning/vacuuming the boys' rooms.

Last night as Mark and I were working on dinner, we heard the boys screaming no way and yes way at each other. I brought them both into the kitchen and had Zack read the two rules that apply to that situation: use kind words and talk about it, without arguing. For bedtime, we read "How to Dinosaurs Say Good-night?" to (hopefully) demonstrate how we do/do not want them to go to bed. I kept asking them to go to bed like dinosaurs do, but Xander still ended up in the hallway several times. Now they are playing mostly nicely with the Geo Trax set. Since Gramma got them more track, it's a little easier to share.

Thought for the day: get work done early, so you can play or relax later.