Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm going to have start writing down everything I'm eating. Maybe I'll even put it up on here, I don't know.

I wrote that last week and never finished it. I also joined the Biggest Loser challenge at work. My sinuses were not happy with me Sunday evening or Monday morning or evening or Tuesday morning, so I went from Saturday morning to Wednesday evening without exercising. Let me tell you, it felt awful! I just had to get out last night, even though I was still a bit stuffy. I pushed Xander in the stroller and Zack walked with me, probably about a mile and a half. We even ran down the big hills. It was very nice!

And yes, I've been writing down what I've been eating...mostly anyway. I skipped last night, but I'm not sure if I had anything between lunch and dinner. I didn't have anything after we got home from dinner last night, though. I've realized that writing down what you're eating really makes you think, because I was feeling ashamed for having to write down "2 cookie dough pieces" the other day. I'm not even including calories or anything, but it is certainly making me think.

On the parenting front...I've been losing my temper way too much recently, and just letting little things irritate me. I felt really awful today when I went to grab Xander (for who knows what!) and I scratched his leg with my fingernail. I knew I'd hurt him right away, because I've scratched myself many times like that. It's a horrible feeling knowing that your temper, your reaction made your child bleed. I really hate admitting that it happened, but I can't be in denial.

Time to get off the computer, because there are still many chores to be done, and only 45 minutes left before getting Zack from school.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I shouldn't have said anything about the chocolate thing. I haven't kept that up, even for one day. That's okay. I should keep reminding myself that when it was time for jumping jacks during bootcamp this morning, I was able to keep up the whole time. When I did the first DVD, I was grunting, trying to keep up but failing. So I consider this progress. Off to fold laundry right now, you know, the laundry that's been sitting on my couch, off and on, for several weeks. Wow, did I really just admit that?