Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I've decided that I need to significantly reduce my chocolate intake. I came to this realization yesterday when I noticed how quickly the leftover trail mix from Zack's birthday party was disappearing and how many of the frozen cookie dough pieces I had eaten without having made a single cookie. So while it would be simply impossible for me to give it up completely, I have decided that I can have no more than 2 servings a week. I think this will not include my chocolate yogurt or granola bars. I'm talking about cookies, candy, ice cream or toppings. This will start today, so I will only have one serving for the rest of the week. I hope this isn't going to be too drastic!
Also, starting tomorrow, I will be getting up early to work out. Wait a minute, I can't say that. Things sometimes get in the way. I'll say I will do my best to wake up early. Because then I'm done exercising and showering early, I can make breakfast and get work done as soon as I get back from taking Zack to school.
I also need to make little notes and signs for myself, to remind me to stay cool with the kids and make good choices when it comes to discipline. Maybe I'll even make rules for them for each room of the house, to help keep the playroom from turning into a pigsty, forcing me to dump the toys out the window, like Dad did to Eileen and me a time or two. Okay, that's all for today. Time to get changed for working out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Okay, so yesterday I wasn't motivated at all to work out. I called Mark at work, and he said to just break open a new DVD. I really like Bob, so I opened the bootcamp DVD. It was a great workout! I can really feel how my muscles have gotten stronger. At one point, I was using the 3-pound weights, and they were actually too easy. That felt great! I was also noticing how tight my quads were during one of the stretches. That felt great, too! Oh, and I was able to keep up the whole time Bob was doing jumping jacks. That felt even better! Even though I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale change too much, I can feel the results of these workouts. I honestly feel stronger and better about myself! Anyway, I realized that I just don't enjoy working out with Kim, and on the workout 2 DVD, she does everything except the bootcamp. It just wasn't fun. Jillian, on the other hand, is not annoying like Kim. She communicates well, is positive, and even a little funny at times. Today's workout was great, too! (The only other update is that I didn't gain any weight over Zack's birthday weekend, what with all the cake and icing and candy around.) Thought for the Day: Keep it fun, or you won't want to do it at all.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I've been feeling kind of guilty keeping Xander inside all these mornings when I've been exercising. It's been absolutely gorgeous out, and I haven't brought him outside until around lunchtime or later. So here's an addendum to my plan: two or three times a week, my exercise will include letting him be outside. Whether it's a bike ride, a walk or bringing the portable DVD player outside and doing my workout outside, I'm determined that this kid will not be stuck inside. He's already addicted to movies and the computer, since he just recently learned how to use the mouse. So we're off on a bike ride today...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I finished the first six weeks of the Biggest Loser workout 1!!! I started the second DVD yesterday. It's only custome workouts, so you have to pick and choose which ones you're going to do. I sat down with Mark last night and figured out some ideas. My workouts have been about 35-40 minutes long, so this morning I figured out four different configurations of workouts that are 45 minutes long. Once I get used to these workouts, I'm definitely going to MUTE the tv and listen to my iPod instead of Kim. Oh my goodness!!! She's so annoying, she keeps talking, actually squeaking all during the workout! And I really prefer to look at Bob while I'm working out instead of this toothpick, muscle woman, when I know I'm never going to look that good!! Oh, and when she does the deep breaths at the beginning and end of the workouts, she does a full squat, showing off her skinny legs and perfect body shape. Even one of the contestants looks at her funny sometimes. But anyway...I have to get rid of all the Easter candy and goodies that are floating around the house, because they are NOT helping. Hopefully the longer workouts will help the number on the scale go back down again.